Skillful change management for ORG including M&A (Mergers and Acquisitions)  

The art of adapting to change has never been a timelier asset. Certainly, it is one of the most challenging aspects of leadership this day and age, and the hallmark of successful organizations in a fast-moving and ever-changing market. 

The offered change training program is modeled on cutting-edge research in process psychology (inspired by Arnold Mindell) and employs CRR Global Organization and Relationship Systems Coaching (ORSC™).

Mergers and acquisitions are fertile ground for highlighting cultural and organizational differences, ambiguity, and gaps that may lead to internal conflict between partners. The good news is that where there is a crisis there is also an opportunity for crisis resolution. While facilitating experiential training, we address the relevant organizational context and include simulations and theoretical study to help build the bridge over these gaps. 

Designed for: senior and mid-level team leaders. Local and international. Corporate |SME | NGO VC partners, Startups founders


Leading organizational change effectively

Tools for engaging with others in a compelling and insightful manner

Knowing and abiding by the 4 critical conditions for successful change

Styling leadership to meet the change in real time

Acquire the tools to identify and leverage typical reactions to change (for example: "Leapers, Bridge Builders, and Tradition Holders")

Precise role & process definition between partners

Establishment of methodology for crisis and conflict management

Definition of vision and values/ Pro-active collaboration

Anat’s range and depth of expertise are unparalleled. Her experience in international contexts and input on how to bridge between different cultures within the organization has helped our senior staff considerably in time of great transition.

Ziv Elul CEO, Co-Founder, Fyber

Case Study

change of leadership and change of relationship between acquired site and US corporate.